Monday, January 12, 2015

Treat your Window to Vintage Linens

As a linen dealer, I come across fabulous handkerchiefs, runners, and other small pieces which don't make the grade due to a minor imperfection. It is always such a bummer to find something with great color or lace that has not been treated with the respect it is due.

One great way to make use of less than perfect linens is to repurpose them as window treatments. When they are up on the window, your eye will focus on the overall effect and you will never see a minor imperfection.
This is a fast and easy project. I use spring tension rods and cafĂ© clips - if you are like me you will find these at sales and flea markets. Here I clipped an Italian lace runner and vintage handkerchiefs to the clips - literally ten minutes from beginning to end. 

For Christmas, I replaced the vintage hankies with a combination of Christmas handkerchiefs and one-off Christmas napkins. 
This also works quite well to create a casual and colorful valance for neutral curtains. At the shop, I used vintage napkins to create valances over these wonderful lacy sheers.  
These sheers are available for sale in my shop - I believe that I have a total of 8 individual curtains. I plan to offer a special bin with imperfects and singles at the Stone Cottage so that you can create this look quickly and easily, if you don't already have a stash on hand!
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